American Integrity Insurance is prepared to quickly assist customers impacted by the storm. At this time, keeping your family safe is your highest priority. We’ve included some tips and suggestions below about precautions to take before, during, and after a storm.  

If you do experience damage to your home, contact us as soon as possible so that we can help you begin to get your life and home back in order. We are here for you.  

Click here to download our 2024 CAT Booklet


Mother Nature’s wrath is unpredictable, but the best defense against a hurricane or tropical storm is a great offense. Help protect your home and family by planning ahead.

Here are a few suggestions to consider as you prepare:


Review Your Coverage: It’s a good idea to review your Florida home insurance policy annually to make sure your coverage needs haven’t changed. Don’t forget, too, that standard homeowners insurance policies do NOT cover flood loss, and federal flood insurance policies have a 30-day waiting period before they go into effect. Speak with your agent about your coverage today.

Prepare Your Home: Install storm shutters, replace old garage doors that are approved for both wind pressure and impact protection, and make sure exterior doors have at least three hinges with a dead bolt lock one-inch long or more.

Create a Home Inventory: Having a complete record of your personal property expedites the claims process and helps ensure that you are reimbursed for your belongings. This can easily be done with a smartphone or video camera.

Make an Emergency Supply Kit: Be sure to have enough food, water, toiletries, and supplies to last for at least 72 hours. Include medicine, glasses, first aid items, a battery-operated weather radio, flashlights, batteries, a cell phone, and mobile device chargers in your kit.

Know Your Evacuation Route: Learn the location of your area’s emergency shelters.

Take Precautions for Your Pet: Many disaster shelters are by law not allowed to accept pets. The LAST thing you want to do is leave your four-legged friend at home alone if you have to evacuate – if it’s not safe for you, it’s not safe for your pet, either. Make a list of "pet-friendly" places, boarding facilities and veterinarians, including 24-hour phone numbers, and keep it with your disaster supplies.

Gather Your Important Documents: Keep your insurance policy and other critical papers in a waterproof and portable container, so you can quickly grab them on the go.

Eliminate Debris: Bring yard and outdoor items in if they could be picked up by the wind. Trim trees and shrubbery.

Purchase Flood Insurance:
 Storm surge - not wind - can cause severe damage and destruction during a hurricane. Flood damage is not covered by standard home insurance policies, Flood damage protection and must be purchased separately.  


Remain Informed: Listen to the radio or TV for the latest on the storm’s path and wind speed.

Secure Your Home: Close windows, blinds, shutters, and doors, including interior doors.

Prepare Your Food: Turn the refrigerator thermostat to its coldest setting and keep its doors closed to keep it cold as long as possible.

If the Storm Is Headed Your Way: Take cover on the lowest level of your home, preferably in a room with no windows, such as a closet or hallway.

Stay Put: The eye of the storm is calm, but after it passes, you’ll begin to experience hurricane force winds again. In addition, tornadoes can be spawned by hurricanes, so try to verify that the storm has fully passed before you begin the recovery process.

Stay Connected: If your landline and power go out, use your smart device to access useful sources of information like your local news channels, the National Hurricane Center, American Red Cross, and the Florida Division of Emergency Management. It’s also a great idea to connect with the official American Integrity Insurance social media community in order to get the latest information about how we are helping customers recover from the storm. Don’t forget to charge your devices ahead of time.

Wait Until It’s Safe Before Returning Home: If you evacuated, don’t go back to the area until it has been declared safe by local or state officials.


Make Temporary Repairs: If you can safely do so, take reasonable steps to protect your property from further damage, such as boarding up a broken window or tarping a leaking roof. Take pictures of the damage and save all receipts for any purchases you need to make. Refrain from making permanent repairs until an adjuster has had a chance to assess the damage. 

File Your Claim: American Integrity Insurance has a 24/7 claims hotline that’s dedicated exclusively to assisting customers impacted by a large, catastrophic event. Customers should call 1-866-277-9871 or file a claim online on our Claims Portal to report their storm-related losses. Please read details about the claims and settlement process below. It’s important to note that, after a catastrophe, our claims response is based on damage severity – our immediate and primary goal is to provide assistance to customers whose homes are unlivable, and then we shift our resources to help all other customers whose homes were damaged by the storm. 

Emergency Cleanup: American Integrity Insurance recommends that our customers discuss options with their adjuster. American Integrity has a trusted network of preferred contractors, for their emergency and post-loss home repair needs. These licensed and insured contractors undergo an in-depth credentialing process, and can help with all aspects of repairs. Please discuss with your adjuster.

Claim Checks: If you have a mortgage on your home, payment for your home repairs will be in the form of a check made payable to you and your mortgage company. The mortgage company must endorse the check, so contact the company to find out their process for this situation.


Please contact us as soon as possible at 1-866-277-9871 or file a claim online

When filing a claim, please have the following information available: 
  • Your contact information
  • Photos of the damages right after the loss 
  • Invoices for any temporary repairs or mechanical parts
  • Receipts and invoices for incurred expenses if your home is deemed unlivable. Please note that coverage for these expenses is known as Additional Living Expenses (ALE). Be sure to ask your claims representative if ALE is included in your policy. 

Know what to expect in the event of claim: Most of our policies include this coverage, but it’s important to speak to your agent or review your policy to be certain you have it. Make sure to keep all post-storm receipts to submit for reimbursement consideration.

To check the status of your claim, please log-in to our Claims Portal


How Much Is Yours? A Florida's homeowner’s insurance policy has two deductibles; one for Hurricane, which is typically a percentage of your Coverage A amount, and an “all other perils” deductible, which is generally a flat dollar amount. The Declarations Page of your insurance policy lists the dollar amount of both deductibles.

When does the hurricane deductible apply? According to s. 627.4025, F.S., the duration of a hurricane in which the hurricane deductible would apply includes the time period:
1) Beginning at the time a hurricane watch or warning is issued for any part of Florida by the National Hurricane Center. Remember, it must be a “hurricane” declared by the National Hurricane Center; and
2) Ending 72 hours following the termination of the last hurricane watch or hurricane warning issued for any part of Florida by the National Hurricane Center.

When it comes to hurricane safety, failing to plan could mean planning to fail, so make sure to review your policy, emergency plan, supplies and deductible to make sure your family is prepared.