If you enjoy boating in the Sunshine State (and who doesn’t?), then you should know about Florida watercraft insurance. Although not required by state law, boat insurance is a valuable investment. From these five protections outlined by American Integrity Insurance, obtaining this coverage is all about staying protected on – and off – the water.
Protection Against Uninsured Boaters
Since Florida boat owner insurance is not required by law, many boaters or operators of personal watercraft don’t have coverage. This means if you don’t have coverage and are involved in an incident with an uninsured boater, you’re stuck with the cost of damages to your boat and even injuries you or your passengers may incur.
Protection Against Reckless Boaters
Unfortunately, many boaters combine reckless behavior with fun on the water. This can include speeding, risky operation and boating while intoxicated. Recklessness is compounded when these boaters also do not have proper insurance coverage. If you’re involved in an accident, knowing that you’re protected against damages and injuries can take a little stress off an upsetting situation.
Protection for Your Purchase
Boats and personal watercraft are not cheap – every significant investment should be protected by insurance against losses. Your boat doesn’t have to be in the water to sustain damage. Florida boat owner insurance can protect you against named storm damage, trailering your boat or even if it is sitting in your yard or docked at the marina.
Related Post: How to Properly Care For Your Boat
Protection for Your Family
Personal injury coverage is an important part of your Florida boat insurance, especially with your family aboard. In the event of an accident, you want adequate coverage to pay for any medical expenses for your loved ones and guests.
Related Post: Boating Safety Tips
Protection Savings Are Available
American Integrity Insurance believes in rewarding policy owners who emphasize safety with savings on their protection coverages. Various boating safety courses, on-the-water experience and multiple policies provide you with significant savings on your Florida boat owner insurance and other coverages.
Contact us at American Integrity Insurance today and speak with an agent about boating insurance. We offer policies to cover personal watercraft and various types of boats up to 32 feet long. Enjoy the benefits of owning a boat in Florida along with the protections that a comprehensive Florida boat insurance policy provides.
American Integrity Insurance is committed to providing Florida homeowners with sound, comprehensive insurance coverage and an extraordinary customer experience. We strive to be a valued partner to our policyholders, agents, and community.
We offer traditional and high valued homeowners insurance, condo insurance, renters insurance, and the special coverage required for vacant homes, manufactured homes, and policies designed for those who need less coverage or are renting out their home. We also offer extra protection, including flood insurance, umbrella insurance, golf cart insurance, boat insurance, cyber coverage and identity theft protection as well as equipment breakdown coverage, to help address a broad range of needs facing Florida homeowners today.